High seeding quality of grain crops under modern technologies causes increase of requirements to seeders opener. We developed a new design of the combined two-disk anchor opener which can qualitatively carry out their functions under modern technologies, in particular no-till. Research purpose is development of the functioning theory of the created new furrow-opener design which integrates in itself constructive elements of two-disk openers and anchor type openers and can works on roughly prepared soil with plant residues and provides the stable seeds sowing depth at the increased seeding speeds. When carrying out researches methods of mathematics, theoretical mechanics, modeling, researches results statistical analysis, drawing up programs for calculations on PC are used. Parameters of the combined two-disk opener with the advanced mechanism of sowing depth regulation are substantiated. On the basis of the scheme of a opener design it is proved need of using certain rigidity spring for stability seeding to a predetermined depth within the agrotechnology limit.
Dependences for calculation of rational spring elasticity which take into account geometrical parameters of opener design are obtained. The pilot studies conducted in field conditions confirm advantages of new constructive decisions of this combined opener. It is established that the seeder with the combined two-disk anchor openers steadily puts seeds on a compacted seed bed that excludes inertial seeds ejection beyond the agrotechnology limits, including at the increased seeding speeds.