Sustainable innovation technology: An insight into the effective use of biofertilizers in improving soil and plant quality

  • 1 Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
  • 2 Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute, Konya, Turkey
  • 3 Profito Nursery (Fidancilik), Nilüfer, Bursa, Turkey


The employment of inorganic fertilizers to overcome soil nutrient deficiency causes the depletion of microfloral diversity in the soil. Hence, there is a necessity to implement different eco-friendly strategies to maintain the nutrient level. In a series of experiments funded by SITINPLANT European Project, we have previously determined the interaction between the mycorrhizae and antagonistic biocontrol micro-organisms and their effect on diseases and plant nutrient uptake of several plants and trees. On the basis of the inferences obtained from that project, we are presently working on the utilization of mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria as organic fertilizers (i.e. biofertilizers) for wheat development. Our specific aim is to determine the strategies that may support to decrease the usage of commercial P fertilizers. The results of these experiments will provide an insight into the effective usage of different microorganisms for improving crop productivity and increasing food security.



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