Research of surface-plane and space-deep interaction of needle with soil

  • 1 Poltava State Agrarian Academy
  • 2 Uman National University of Horticulture
  • 3 National Scientific Centre “Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Electrification”, Hlevakha; – Ukraine


The purpose is to reduce the energy costs of soil tillage by developing more accurate methods for assessing the effectiveness of surface-plane and space-deep interaction of the needle with the soil. It is noted that the result of the interaction of the round needle of rotary harrow with the soil, there is a hole of regular shape with an ellipse at the base. The change in the semi-axis of the ellipse formed at the soil-air interface is analyzed. The developed method improves the accuracy of forecasting and evaluating the effectiveness of the rotary harrow needle interaction with the ground. The method creates the prerequisites for improving the quality and energy indicators of the technological processes of soil treatment with rotary harrows



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