Development of pneumatic seeder for sowing grain crops

  • 1 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana,


One of the main ways of obtaining high yields is a method of sowing and technology for its implementation. At present in the world practice, the creation of high-performance and adapted to certain soil-climatic conditions, sowing units is moving in two directions: increasing the degree of combination (versatility) of sowing machines and the use of centralized tanks for seeds and fertilizers, and pneumatic sowing systems.
However, models of seeders with CVS do not fully meet agro technical requirements for uniformity of sowing between coulters and are aggregated only with a specific tractor class, while having a high cost and low annual load. In this connection, the creation of high-performance and adapted to certain soil and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan is very relevant.



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