Substantiation of constructive parameters of the seeding machine for sowing of non flowing grass seeds
- 1 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana
The production and breeding of new varieties of high-quality seed material is connected with the sowing of a wide range of crops with different physical and mechanical properties of seeds. In existing seeding machines, the sowing devices are capable of sowing loose and medium-flowing seeds, such as wheat, barley, rye, etc. further transport it to the working bodies for soil application. A characteristic disadvantage in the introduction of hard-flowing (non-flowing) seeds is the presence of a coagulation zone, which should be destroyed. In order to improve the quality of seeding non-flowing seeds, the design parameters of the sowing apparatus for seeding non-flowing grass seeds for moisture and energy-saving technologies in feed production will be substantiated and developed.
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