Monitoring of natural waters using sorption cartridges

  • 1 Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Russian Federation


In the present work a mobile complex for monitoring natural waters for the detection of toxic substances has been proposed. The conditions for the detection and quantification of doubly charged cations of copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc on fibrous and cross-linked cation exchangers and polyampholytes, as well as fluoride, nitrate and nitrite ions on anion exchangers, and sodium oleate and sodium dodecyl sulfate on activated carbons, shungite and silicas were selected. The concentration of ions in the eluate was determined by ionselective electrodes. An approbation of the proposed method for the detection and quantification of the ions was carried out on model aqueous mixtures containing various metal cations, anionic surfactants, inorganic and organic compounds. The mobile complex can be used to monitor the state of water objects without taking liquid samples to the laboratory and the concentration of toxic compounds, as well as to assess the effectiveness of the purification measures employed.



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