The impact of long rotation cycle forest management on soil and water properties in Hemiboreal region

  • 1 Latvian State Forest Research Institute Silava, Salaspils, Latvia
  • 2 University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia


More than a half of Latvia’s territory is covered with forests, and forest sector is important for the national economy. Despite the high economic importance of timber resources, forest utilization in Latvia is moderately intensive, as long rotation cycle (70-100 years for most widespread tree species) is used and strict environmental regulations are in force. Meanwhile, due to the climate change and growing demand for renewable resources, intensification of forest management is ongoing and expected to continue. Studies on the interactions between forest, soil and water are of high importance to ensure sustainably intensified forestry. Forest felling, transportation of logs, collection of slash, stump extraction, drainage system establishment and maintenance, forest road construction, beaver population management, use of water protection structures and riparian bufferzones are apparent components of forestry that may exacerbate, change or improve quality of water, soil and stands, and as such, require research and practical application of relevant protection measures.



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