Change in soil properties after 5 years of using strip-till technology

  • 1 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland


In the years 2013-2018 at Agro-Land farm at Śmielin (53°09′04.0″N; 17°29′10.7″E; 93,8 m a.s.l.), Poland, the strip-till technology (soil strip loosening, fertilizer application and seed sowing in one pass hybrid machine Mzuri Pro-Til, Mzuri Ltd.) was compared with plough tillage and ploughless tillage, after which the seedbed was prepared, fertilizers were applied and then sowing was performed. After 5 years of using the strip-till technology, in comparison with plough and ploughless cultivation, the content of: organic carbon, available forms of macroelements, the share of water stability soil aggregates, as well as the number of: total bacteria, total fungi, earthworms increased in the top layer of the soil.



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