Towards to farms with zero carbon-waste-and water footprint – Part II Case study: Life cycle assessment of apples production technology at a farm level

  • 1 “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse
  • 2 “Aberon” OOD,
  • 3 Benaki Phytopatological Institute


A Carbon Footprint (CF) is defined as the total emissions of greenhouse gases caused directly and indirectly by an individual, event, organization or product,expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eqv). The objective of this case study is to provide examples of strategies for low footprint of Apple Production and Apple Processing as well as best practices and guidance on the use of equipment for planting, fertilizing and harvesting for specific crops like apple orchards. It covers the general principles and provides guidance for these specific areas.



  1. ) International EPD Consortium (2013) General Programme Instructions (EPD); ver. 2.01, 18/09/2013
  2. ) Blanke M.M., Burdick B., 2005. Food (miles) for Thought. Energy balance for locally grown versus imported apple fruit. Environ. Sci. and Pollut. Res., 12(3): 125-127.
  3. ) Cellura et al., 2012b, Perrin et al., 2014; Bartzas et al., 2015; Bartzas and Komnitsas, 2017
  4. ) Zanotelli D., Mazzetto F., Tagliavini M., 2014. Carbon footprint and primary energy use in fruit production. Italus Hortus, 21(1): 59-68.

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