Evaluation of diatom taxa in Alpin fresh water, Valbona River
- 1 Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
The aim of this study is to determine the species of different diatoms genius and to evaluate the ecology status of the river. Samples were collected along the Valbona River during 2015 period. Diatoms have proven to be powerful indicators of environmental conditions with changes in species assemblages providing information on changes in environmental conditions. Many species are identified and the dominant taxa were: Diatoma vulgaris, Diatoma ehrenbergii, Diatoma mesodon, Meridion circulare, Fragilaria arcus, Fragilaria capucina, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella affinis, Gomphonema tergestinum, Navicula tripunctata etc. Diatom communities can be described by their species composition and diversity. Based on the type of taxa and the ecological values of species, Valbona river belong to oligo-saprobic state.
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