Negative factors affecting the sanitary status of tree plants and effective approaches to their research

  • 1 Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine


In the territories of forest, landscape gardening and municipal zones, both Ukraine and the whole world, there is a steady negative tendency for tree drying out. This process may lead to the complete destruction of trees in the future. The reasons for this fact are established, namely: winter damage, excess (or lack) of moisture, mechanical damage, as well as damaged by pests and diseases. As a result of the analysis the main negative factors, that affect the sanitary status of tree plants was defined. Among all the factors, climatic factors have the greatest harm to the tree plants (for example, an increase in the average annual water temperature leads to favorable breeding conditions for harmful insects). Negative factors of human influence (anthropogenic and technogenic impact) lead to pollution of air, soil and groundwater. The main disadvantages of modern methods and means of research, control and prevention of the sanitary condition of trees, and the expediency of developing new approaches for conducting an integrated comprehensive study of causes and factors, affecting the state of tree plants, are shown.



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