Experimental study results of the grinding process in a hammer-type shredder with side separating sieves
- 1 Orenburg State Agrarian University, Russian Federation
- 2 Orenburg Transport Institute branch of Samara State Transport University, Russian Federation
- 3 Biotechnika LLC, Russian Federation
The technical implementation of air-product flow control in the working chamber of a hammer mill for timely separation of conditioned particles from the main stream and their lateralization (removal to the side zones) for the purpose of evacuation from the working chamber is considered. The energy and quality indicators of the grinding process in a hammer mill with side separating sieves are determined. The obtained experimental dependences are necessary for the manufacture of hammer crushers for farms and the development of recommendations for the operation of hammer crushers with side separating sieves. Improving the conditions of the grain material separation process and timely unloading of the finished product from the grinding chamber makes it possible to achieve economic efficiency by reducing the content of the dust fraction in the finished product and reducing the specific energy costs of the grinding process.
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