Increasing the level of providing service enterprises with spare parts and materials

  • 1 Engineering and Technology Faculty - Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine


The work of logistical support subsystems of the service enterprise is analyzed, which leads to downtime of cars in repair, which complicates the work of the production area and leads to the necessity of allocation of ever larger premises for the storage of cars waiting for spare parts. The normative planning method for forming the needs of service companies in spare parts was selected, based on the methods of recovery theory. The normative planning method for forming the needs of service companies in spare parts was selected, based on the methods of recovery theory. An exponential Weibull – Gnedenko distribution has been established to describe the demand for the average resources of spare parts and units for cars. It is suggested to manage the stocks of necessary parts by the method of dividing the spare parts into groups A, B, C. The need for spare parts can be calculated using a general characteristic (based on a sample characteristic). Modern dealership service companies have a unified system of spare parts orders, depending on volume and periodicity. The change in the number of consumed parts of the first group, which occur smoothly without sharp fluctuations, is investigated. For the second group of parts, three maximums of spare parts are allocated.



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