Microbial indicators and their relations with hydrophobicity in Spolic Technosols under different vegetation

  • 1 Nikola Poushkarov Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection, Sofia, Bulgaria


Hydrophobicity (water repellency) have negative impact on soil structure, plant growth and production. The knowledge on soil hydrophobic properties is important for proper amelioration of water repellent soils. A monitoring study on hydrophobicity level, microbiological indicators and the realtionships between them in a coal ash reclaimed Technosol under different vegetation cover (pine trees, acacia trees and stubble) was performed. It was found that the surface layers possessed extreme or severe hydrophobicity and below 30 cm depth the soil was slightly hydrophobic. The structure of microbial population changed depending on vegetation. Oligotrophic microorganisms dominated in soils under trees and fungi prevailed in the soil under stubble. The soil under pine trees had the highest microbial parameters. Soil hydrophobicity level was very highly positively correlated with the amount of fungi in both areas under tree vegetation. Under stubble, negative correlation of WDPT with fungi and cellulolytic microorganisms was found. Relations with basal respiration and microbial biomass carbon were weak.



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