Scientific technologies and their technical support – main factors of efficiency of plant products production

  • 1 National Scientific Centre “Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Electrification”, Ukraine


The modern trends of development of agricultural technologies and their technical support and methodical approach to the formation of an effective technical and technological base of agrarian enterprises. It is established that the main factors influencing the efficiency and environmental friendliness of agricultural production are technologies and technical means for their implementation. In economically developed countries, technological innovations provide 70-90% growth in gross domestic product. The methodical approach to formation of effective technical and technological base of the agricultural enterprises on the basis of innovative technologies and the newest technical means with the technical and operational parameters coordinated with volumes of mechanized works and rational terms of their performance is offered. The main paradigm of the latest technologies for crop production is greening, which is based on the harmonization of the relationship between technology and soils, which will reduce the physical degradation of soils and preserve their fertility. To ensure efficient production of crop products in the agricultural enterprise should be formed technical and technological base on the basis of science-intensive technologies and the latest technical means with technical and operational parameters consistent with the scope of work and rational agro-technical terms of their implementation.



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