Water – yield relationships of lettuce plants for different irrigation strategies

  • 1 Department of Farm Building and Irrigation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Selcuk, Konya-Turkey


The greatest fresh water user sector is agriculture worldwide. The optimum utilization of current water supplies is necessarily prerequisites particularly in water poor climates. It is almost impossible to obtain economical crop yield without irrigation in those types of environments. In general, vegetables are high water consuming crops and well responses to the adequate soil moisture levels in rooting depths. Correct irrigation program is vital important for reaching target optimal production. The present study aimed to analyze irrigation programs affect on yield and water use efficiency, WUE, of lettuce plant for different growing conditions. In accordance of previous studies, maximum yield was obtained from full irrigation treatment. Lettuce plants were not tolerant wide irrigation intervals e.g. 2 or 3-day ideal for optimal yield and quality. Evapotranspiration, ETc, was highly dependent on lettuce varieties, availability of soil moisture content in root systems as well as climatological factors, and ranged between 413 mm and 208 mm. The planting geometry also had effect on lettuce yield. The irrigation system is important, but the most important issue is proper water management for enhancing crop production. Use of sprinkler or drip irrigation system should be highly recommended for better yield, quality as well as efficient water usages or water savings in vegetable farming under correct irrigation program.



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