Evaluation of the structural change of the grain dryer to technical-economic indicators

  • 1 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
  • 2 Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland
  • 3 University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  • 4 Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria


Post-harvest grain treatment is today one of the key processes taking place in agriculture-oriented farms. Only cereals deprived of unwanted impurities, dirts and excess water can be optimally stored and later monetized at the highest possible price. It is the reduction of the water content in the grains that is the key factor in their preservation, as the biochemical and bacterial processes will be interrupted, thanks to which the grains can be stored for a long time.
The paper deals with the technical characteristics of the grain dryer Chief CBS 14-6 in the process of drying corn grain in specific conditions in Slovakia, compares various energy sources such as natural gas and waste straw from agricultural production.



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