Study of grinding corn stalks by a roller grinder with different knives positioning

  • 1 Poltava State Agrarian University; 2National Scientific Centre “Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Electrification”, Hlevakha; – Ukraine


The work is devoted to the study of the efficiency of the technological process of grinding corn stalks with a rollergrinder. Developed and manufactured roller-shredder, the design of which provides for the possibility of direct (left) and inverted at 1800 (right) installation of the cutting edge of the knives relative to their direction of rotation.
It was noted that in the range of less than 50 mm the percentage of crushed stems in the cat with the right location of the knives was 20% higher than with the left layout of the knives. The total value of the percentage of crushed stem particles in the range of 0-100 mm for the right was 83.6%, for the left 81.9%. In the range of 101-150 mm the share of crushed stems in the roller with the left arrangement of knives was 11.0%, with the right 7.7%, in the range of 151-200 mm, respectively, 4.6% with the left, and 6.0% with the right, in the range over 201 mm, with the left 2.6%, with the right 3.1%.
The average relative to the total weight percentage of crushed stem particles from the total weight of the fraction was for the range 0-50 mm – 20.3% for the right and 12.8% for the left, the range 51-100 mm – 23.8% for the right and 31.3 % for the left, range 101-150 – 14.8% for the right and 18.2% for the left, range 151-200 mm – 24.1% for the right and 16.8% for the left, in the range over 200 mm – 4 , 7% for the right and 20.9% for the left, respectively.



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