Justification of the improved technological process and development of the construction of the cleaner of root tubers from impurities

  • 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The paper presents a new construction of a root ball cleaner from impurities, consisting of five wave-shaped working spirals, which are given oscillatory movements with appropriate amplitudes and frequencies in the longitudinal-vertical plane. It allows to considerably expand a working zone of separation of the potato heap arriving on clearing, and it will promote its better dispersion on a working surface of the cleaner, more intensive destruction of ground clods, and consequently, improvement of sifting of ground and vegetative admixtures and decrease of blocking of working spirals. All this ultimately increases the productivity and quality of the new root crop cleaner from impurities. To carry out experimental studies of the new construction of the cleaner of potato roots from impurities, we have developed a laboratory setup, which allows you to test and justify the basic constructional and kinematic parameters of this cleaner. The process of cleaning of root crops from soil impurities and plant residues indicated cleaner is due to the movement of the heap coils cantilevered spiral springs, which rotate at a certain angular velocity, and the oscillatory motion of the springs themselves, arising from the deflection of their longitudinal axes. In this case, soil and plant impurities are sifted through the separating gaps and coils of spirals, and the bodies of potatoes are transported by coils of spirals in the direction of the unloading conveyor. Calculations of the required power for the drive of the laboratory unit showed that it does not exceed 1.3 kW.



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