The effect of plow modification on drawbar power requirement during ploughing and subsoil penetration resistance
- 1 University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Production, Lublin, Poland
- 2 College of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University, Iraq
This study attempts to address the problem of excessive soil compaction in the subsoil layer caused by the movement and operation of agricultural machinery by modifying the plough design to combine two operations with high energy requirements, ploughing and subsoiling. The aim of this study was to modify and develop the design of the share plough by adding an additional frame (heavy-duty tines) on which the mounted working elements operate below the ploughing layer immediately after the wheel travels on the bottom of the furrow and behind the first and the second plough bodies, using different tines settings (depth and type), at different speeds, to loosen the effect of the wheel travel before it is buried by the soil that cuts during the ploughing operation. The effect of the plough modification was to destroy the plow pan, leading to a decrease in the penetration resistance of the soil in the subsoil layer.
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