Study of conditions for further development of high-tech agro-industrial production in Ukraine

  • 1 Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


The article presents the results of a study of the conditions for further improvement and development of high-tech agricultural production in Ukraine. The purpose of this study is to define conceptual approaches to the technical and technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex as a key element of sustainable development of the real sector of Ukraine’s economy and strategic directions of research in agricultural science. The study found that in the context of inevitable climate change, the basis for the formation of highly automated agriculture will be flexible environmentally friendly technological processes in agricultural production, built on fundamentally new technical and technological principles, namely: intellectualization, digitalization, integrated automation and robotization. A concept for the development of high-tech agricultural production in Ukraine based on the principles of sustainable development and the innovative concept of Industry 4.0 was also developed, which will ensure high and sustainable economic growth of the agro-industrial complex, development of domestic agricultural engineering and related sectors of the economy. The strategic tasks for agricultural science in the development of the technical and technological base of highly automated agricultural production are outlined. The study of modern trends in the development of economies of advanced countries and their effectiveness give grounds to assert that the identified strategic directions of technical and technological modernization of the agricultural sector will be the basis for the formation of an effective model for the development of high-tech agro-industrial climate-oriented production in Ukraine.



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