Assessing the Potential of Pálinka Spent Wash Compost as Soil Organic Amendment

  • 1 Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Agro-environmental Studies, Budapest, Hungary


In Hungary, the production of Pálinka, a Hungarian hard liquor, generates a significant amount of organic waste, specifically a residual liquid waste known as spent wash (SW). The environmental impact of SW pollution is a pressing concern mainly due to its high organic load, low pH, notable content of recalcitrant compounds, and high biochemical and chemical oxygen demand. Composting presents an eco-friendly management solution for SW by its stabilization into a humified material and inactivation of phytotoxic substances. Monitoring of physicochemical parameters and enzyme activity of the SW before and after the composting process was conducted, alongside germination tests to assess its seed growth suitability. The application of Bokashi composting and co-composting with various materials resulted in notable improvements in the SW parameters. The findings validate the potential of SW compost as an effective soil amendment, promoting soil health and fertility.



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