Irrigation Water Management for Plants in Konya-Şefikcan Public Park of Türkiye

  • 1 Dept. of Farm Buildings and Irrigation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Selçuk, Konya, Türkiye


The study was performed to research irrigation systems in Şefikcan Public park at Konya province of Türkiye. In that purpose, applied water by both the sprinkler and drip irrigation systems were determined. In results, seasonal applied water for sprinkler irrigatedgrass and for plants irrigating by drip system were found as 1510 mm and 576 mm, respectively. The reason of less amount of water availability in drip-irrigated area was high amount of water losses associated from leakages in the drip system. In study region, where negative effects of climate change in recent years have been experienced notably, areas with less water consuming trees and tolerant to the water high or moderate stress such as shrubs or woody plants should be widened. Irrigation managers have a great role to play in the desired performance of irrigation so people who are dealing with irrigation in field scales should be practiced about irrigation scheduling. In result, correct irrigation water management is necessarily a prerequisite for obtaining maximal water profitability from unit water application which is vital important for conserving the water resources particularly in water-starved ecologies.



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