Reducing the risk of heat stress for livestock development in Kazakhstan

  • 1 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The last three decades in Kazakhstan turned out to be the warmest in the history of meteorological observations, and led to an increase in the average annual temperature by 1.91 °C. Global warming has become a serious risk for the intensive development of animal husbandry in the country. To reduce the stressful effects of abnormal heat and cool animals, a number of domestic farmers use shadow screens, various forms of forced convection and evaporative cooling, which include fans and sprayers, sprinklers. However, these measures do not give the desired result: they are energy-intensive, inefficient and do not form a normalized microclimate in livestock premises. The article describes the formation of a normalized microclimate for keeping cattle in the summer in the southern, southeastern and western regions of Kazakhstan.



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