Resilience in Water Management: Addressing Climate Change Challenges in Albania

  • 1 Institute of Geosciences, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
  • 2 Faculty of Planning, Environment and Urban Management, Polis University, Albania


Albania has significant water resources, yet seasonal fluctuations and inefficient usage increasingly threaten these. This study examines the repercussions of changes in the hydrological cycle on the country’s land and ecosystems, as well as the broader social, economic, and environmental pressures. Through qualitative and quantitative analyses of industrial and agricultural practices, alongside the effects of urban population growth, we highlight how these factors exacerbate climate change impacts on water resources. Specifically, we investigate shifts in water quality and quantity, alterations in precipitation patterns, and the intensification of temperatures, evaporation, humidity, and soil aridity. The National Strategy for Water Resources Management (2018–2027) aims for sustainable water usage and improved quality across all resources by 2027, while also addressing disaster risks associated with droughts and floods. However, Albania faces escalating challenges in water resource management, impacting both supply and demand. Climatic trends indicate a decline in rainfall and river flows, particularly during summer, as well as increased soil dryness and more frequent extreme weather events. Currently, hydropower plants generate nearly 90% of the country’s energy, further straining water resources. According to the SPEI Annual Drought Index, by 2100, Albania is projected to face a marked decline in precipitation, compounded by heightened dryness and reduced moisture levels. Recent data shows that the number of days exceeding 20°C has doubled and tropical nights have tripled compared to historical averages. Over the past three decades, floods and landslides have accounted for significant economic losses, with 40.2% and 33.5% of damages respectively. To address these challenges, urgent and long-term measures are required, including the sustainable management of water resources, modernization of distribution networks, and enhanced water efficiency to mitigate waste.



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