Low intensity fertilization with organic and complex mineral fertilizers and their influence on the organic matter content of Haplic Chernozems
- 1 Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute (DAI) – General Toshevo Agricultural Academy, Sofia
The use of complex mineral, organo-mineral and organic fertilizers on Haplic Chernozems for 8 years leads to changes in the composition of soil organic matter. Certainly the organic fertilizer ExcellOrga and its combination with the complex mineral fertilizer Suprefos increase the content of soil organic carbon, and humic acids, related with calcium. A positive trend is also the increase of carbon in insoluble residue. A statistically reliable positive influence of organic and organo-mineral fertilization on individual groups and fractions compared to those in the control variant was established. The trend is especially well expressed on the carbon values of humic acids and those related to calcium. This leads to a sustainable level of humification and an increase in the share of agronomically valuable groups and fractions in the organic carbon of the soil.
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