Influence of effective microorganisms on the biological activity of the soil in greenhouse pepper cultivation
- 1 Agricultural academy, Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The article presents the results of a study of the influence of effective microorganisms Trichoderma viride, Bacillus subtilis and Enterobacter cloaceae on the biological activity of the soil when growing pepper on the plot with mineral fertilization (fertilizer rate N22 P16 K20 kg/da). The experiment was carried out at the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv in an unheated steel-glass greenhouse with the Pirouette F1 variety, planted according to the scheme (90/60/40 cm). The studied microbial substances were used as 0.1% aqueous solutions of the standardized biological preparations “Trichodermine” (Trichoderma viride, strain Trv1, titer 2.1010 c/ml); “Extrasol” (Bacillus subtilis, titer 1.1010 CFU/ml) and a bacterial preparation based on Enterobacter cloaceae (titer 1.1010 CFU/ml) at a consumption rate of 10 L of solution per 20 m2. The biological activity of the soil in the experiment was followed in different phenological phases of the development of the culture using the methodology for cultivating diluted aqueous soil solutions on solid nutrient media. As a result of the studies, it was established that the use of bioproducts based on Trihoderma viride, Bacillus subtilis and Enerobacter cloacae leads to optimization of the structural composition of the microbiome in the soil. Among the tested biopreparations with the greatest efficiency is the biopreparation “Trichodermine”. The introduction of the biopreparation “Trichodermine” increases the biogenicity of the soil by 12% towards the middle and by 74% – towards the end of the growing season. The agrochemical effectiveness of the application of the biopreparation “Trichodermine” to regulate the nitrogen-phosphate-potassium nutritional regime has been established. During the period of active harvesting, the content of mineral forms of nitrogen in the variant with “Trichodermine” increases to 50%, of mobile phosphorus – to 40%, of mobile potassium – to 71%. An article confirms the expediency and effectiveness of the application of biological preparations to optimize the structural composition of the microbiome in the soil and regulate the nitrogen-phosphate-potassium nutritional regime.
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