GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach as a Tool for Land Suitability Analysis – A Review

  • 1 Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania


Land suitability analysis plays a crucial role in land use planning and decision-making processes. The utilization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in land suitability analysis has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. GIS combined Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a powerful process that integrates geographical data to make informed decisions. By considering multiple spatial factors, this method generates a comprehensive map highlighting the optimal locations for specific land-use purposes. This review paper aims to examine the application of GIS-based MCDA in land suitability analysis, based on a comprehensive review of the literature. Moreover, the review examines case studies that have applied GIS-based MCDA in land suitability analysis across various disciplines, including agriculture, urban planning, and environmental management. Overall, this review paper provides valuable insights into the role of GIS-based MCDA as a tool for land-use suitability analysis, highlighting its significance in sustainable land management practices.



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