Study of the seasonal dynamics of microcystins and nutrients in Kokalyane bent

  • 1 National Center of Public Health and Analyses, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2 Institute of Catalysis, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria


This article presents a summary of data derived from studies conducted on the seasonal dynamics of microcystins and nutrients in the water of Kokalyane bent in 2023 and 2024. The chromatographic analytical method (HPLC) was employed for the determination of microcystins in water samples from Kokalyane bent. Ten water samples were examined, and traces of microcystins were identified in two samples from 2023 (equivalent concentration of MYC-LR approximately 0,2 μg L^-1). The measured concentrations of total nitrogen ranged from 0,58 to 1,75 mg L^-1, while those of total phosphorus ranged from 0,02 to 0,04 mg L^-1.



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