• Environmental and Economic aspects of PVWP system

    Innovations, Vol. 10 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 49-52

    A lot of techno-economic analyses have been conducted to seek the most cost-effective solution for irrigation purposes applied in the interval time of 25 years of project life. The possible benefits outlined by the PVWP system implementation have been identified, as well as the effects of the most sensitive parameters, such as installation price, incentives and other credit options such as carbon credit rate or feed in tariff. The output carried out from the simulation shows that PVWP system represents the best solution to provide free carbon and costless electricity to run the water pump for sprinkler irrigation in the agriculture sector in Albania. The environmental benefits have been also addressed, evaluating the CO2 emissions saving achievable from the PVWP system operation and some financial aspects such as simple payback period (SPP), NPV and the carbon footprint reduction per ha. As a conclusion replacement of diesel-powered water pumping used only for irrigation purposes results in an annual net reduction of CO2 emissions by 1.9416 ton per year which is equivalent to 861 litres of gasoline not burned. The net specific GHG reduction results 0.09708 kgCO2/m2, simple payback period results 5.7 year and Net Present Value (NPV) 4961.74€ and by applying a Feed-in tariff 0.0600 €/m³ then the water sale income results 19 817 € for the entire project life of 25 years starting from 2022.


    Electricity generation from PV plants up to 2MWp in Albania. Case study: Tërbuf-Divjaka Municipality

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 16 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 23-28

    Albania has a significant potential of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and therefore represents a promising energy source for Albania. The use of PV for electricity generation supports the long-term objective of the country’s energy policies set out in the national energy strategy 2018-2030, including support for the development of economic sectors, increasing security of energy supply and environmental protection. The use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) will help reduce dependence on energy imports and increase the security of energy supply, with quality and without interruption. The possible benefits generated by the PV system implementation for the selected region should be highlighted, as well as the effects of the most sensitive parameters. The solar potential in Tërbuf-Divjakë showed that PV can be the best solution to provide electricity installed on saline non-agricultural lands near the Adriatic coast.


    Techno-Economic aspects of small PV plants up to 2MWp in Albania.

    Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 6 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 23-26

    The economic benefits have been also addressed, evaluating the energy production and distribution throughout the year and cost of electricity generation for small PV plants up to 2MW. Renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydropower, biofuels and other renewable sources that may be developed in the future are the main focus of the energy transition ensuring a safe step on the path to an intensity system. low energy, with minimal impact of greenhouse gases (GHG) and with a minimal cost for end users. Over the last two years PV systems have attracted a large amount of monetary and investment globally, especially in EU countries. The responsible ministry (MEI) and its subordinate institutions have drafted and approved the “National Strategy of Energy 2018-2030 “, consisting of 6 possible scenarios of energy transition towards a sustainable, reliable and diversified energy system. The national strategy seeks to meet its objectives based on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Efficiency (EE). Hence, the economic aspects and identification of the most influenced parameters is identified and highlighted.


    Environmental aspects and GHG credits impact on LCOE and key indicators for small installed PV plants in Albania

    Science. Business. Society., Vol. 7 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 33-37

    A lot of techno-economic analyses have been conducted to seek the most cost-effective solution for electricity generation applied in the interval time of 25 years of project life. The actual benefits taken from small PV plants up to 2MW have been identified, as well as the effects of the most sensitive parameters, such as installation price, incentives and other credit options such as carbon credit rate or feed in tariff. The output carried out from the simulation performed in RETScreen Expert tool shows that PV system represents the best solution to provide free carbon and costless electricity to run the water pump for sprinkler irrigation in the agriculture sector in Albania. The environmental benefits have been also addressed, evaluating the CO2 emissions saving achievable from the PV system operation and some financial aspects such as simple payback period (SPP), NPV, IRR. The annual electricity production from PV plant located in the village of Tërbuf, Divjaka Municipality with an installed capacity of 2MW results 3319MWh and would avoid 3253 tCO2. The effects of ETS schemes on the LCOE from small PV plants are highlighted.


    An overview of agriculture sector in terms of fuel type and systems used for irrigation purposes. Case study: Divjaka region, Albania

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 68 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 27-31

    In locations where electricity is not available and distribution lines are far away from the connection point, than other means are necessary to provide water for different applications especially in agriculture sector. Using a diesel pump to deliver water account economic and environmental problems. Fuel prices affect the overall costs of diesel-powered water pumping system thereby reducing the incomes from the sale of vegetables or other planted crops. In addition, the use of a diesel-powered water pump system can lead to considerable amount of CO2 released to the surrounding which cause global warming. A possible solution to these problems is using renewable energy source like solar power, which is environmentally friendly and available for free. This paper focus on the identification of sector energy consumption and the possibility of application of PVWP system in the agriculture sector. Several economic analyses have been conducted to establish the best cost-effective solution for irrigation in agriculture sector. The possible benefits generated by the PVWP system implementation for the selected region should be highlighted, as well as the effects of the most sensitive parameters. The solar potential in the site showed that PVWP can be the best solution to provide water for irrigation compared to other traditional water pumping technologies and also can reduce the dependency from fossil fuel powered water pumps and can help the diversification of the agriculture sector especially.


    Identifying Photovoltaic Water Pumping (PVWP) Systems Opportunities in Albanian’s Agriculture Context.

    Mechanization in agriculture & Conserving of the resources, Vol. 68 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 18-23

    A lot of economic analyses have been conducted in the last ten years to establish the most cost-effective solution for irrigation and evaluation of the project profitability. The benefits generated by the PVWP providing water by a submersible pump located inside a deep well have been highlighted for Divjaka region. The solar potential in the site is quite enough to be used to pump water from the deep well into the tank positioned at an effective altitude which can provide the water quantity and pressure by gravity. The study shows that installing a PVWP system represents the best technical and economic solution to drive a water pump that provides water for sprinkler irrigation. The economic benefits have been also addressed, evaluating the energy production and distribution throughout the year and the specific cost per m3 of water supplied (€/m3). Renewables are the key to enhance food and water security, drive agri-food productivity, leading to socioeconomic benefits in recovering from post-Covid-19. By combining our knowledge, data collected, surveys together can contribute to economic growth of our community-ensuring access to clean and affordable energy and raising the standard of living of rural and most vulnerable communities. In the area there are used two types of water pumping for irrigation purposes: Diesel driven water pumps and electricity powered water pumps. Both systems are very costly due to the high fuel cost and on the other hand self-investment to bring electricity from the national distribution lines are needed.


    An Integrated Approach toward a sustainable transport sector using EnergyPLAN model: case of Albania

    Innovations, Vol. 9 (2021), Issue 4, pg(s) 141-147

    In Albania, prior to the 1990’s, the industrial sector was the leading energy consumption sector but actually, the main cause of pollution especially in urban areas, carcinogenic, respiratory and heart diseases come from road transport sector. The environmental situation in Albania after 30 years has undergone major changes due to factors that directly or indirectly influence the degree of its pollution which still remain an unresolved issue. Tirana’s fleet vehicle shares around 35% of the total car fleet registered in Albania. DCI vehicles constitute approximately 71% and the rest petrol powered engine, while the number of EV and other friendly fuel sources is almost zero. The proposed work aims at developing different transport scenarios contributing to the mitigation of GHG in Albania. Using EnergyPLAN model, 3 different scenarios are proposed, considering both most prominent national documents firstly: “Albanian Energy Strategy 2018- 2030” which requires a reduction level of CO2 by 11.5% in 2030 referring to 2006 to attain a RES share of 42% to the TPES and secondly to create a sustainable transport sector as foreseen in “National Sector Strategy for Transport 2016-2020”. This modelling framework analyse the actual transport situation and can address some beneficial values and solution which can be used from policy makers in the country to better assess the potential for a sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective transport sector based on RES.


    Wind power perspective in Albania under CO2 credit rate initative. Case study: Qafë-Thanë, Pogradec

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 6 (2021), Issue 3, pg(s) 110-113

    Renewable energy sources (RES) will continue to play a key role in the process of deep decarbonisation of the energy sector especially in the power branch. Effects of environmental, economic, social, political and technical factors condition the rapid deployment of various sources of renewable energy-based power generation. In this case study the optional GHG reduction credit per equivalent tonne of CO2 (tCO2) used in conjunction with the net GHG reduction to calculate the annual GHG reduction revenue of a 27MW wind farm located in Qafë-Thanë, Pogradec-Albania is analysed. As the future availability of renewable energy resources is not affected by their use, wind power can address many questions related to sustainability and flexibility of the existing fuel powered technologies. Hence, cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Albania should be fully in line with the Paris Agreement including power sector especially. The proposed action aims at developing a high-level promotion and market penetration strategy for RES, contributing to the mitigation of GHG in EU as well as in the candidate countries including Albania. Furthermore, special support should be given to candidate countries in creating policies and programmes to facilitate and promote RES technologies.


    CO2 credit reduction rate impact on the economy of the 27MW wind power farm Case study: Qafë-Thanë, Pogradec

    Innovations, Vol. 9 (2021), Issue 3, pg(s) 100-104

    This work is focused on CO2 credit rate impact application as one of the most feasible technology to make the wind turbines cost effective for power generation. Wind energy is clean, infinite and environment friendly source of energy. However, wind energy systems, alone or hybrid systems have a high potential to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel and total cost of the system compared to the other options applied historically in power sector. Such systems are foreseen to play a key role in a stable, costless and emission-less way especially in large scale applications. The performance, availability, costs and carbon intensity of wind power indicate that CO2 credit rate can make a very substantial contribution to reduce carbon emissions and gain the security of investment of RES technologies. The other options applied would deliver only partial emission reductions, therefore, are not sufficient to attain the 2030 national energy goals so they have to rely on renewable energy technologies. Policy makers and interest parties/investors need to focus unerringly on scaling up the actual developed few options consistent with reaching the zero-emission goal.