Analysis of the distribution of hydrogen and helium in the solar system during its formation

    Innovations, Vol. 9 (2021), Issue 1, pg(s) 34-35

    The modern composition of the Earth and other planetary systems is the result of the use of various different chemical elemen ts. However, at the moment there is no unified theory describing the distribution of chemical elements during the formation of the solar system. Among the previously proposed theories and hypotheses, there are contradictions regarding the distribution of chemical elemen ts in the solar system. Therefore, there is a need to create a physical model, which, on the basis of empirical data, represents the initial distribution of chemical elements from which the planets of the solar system were formed. In this work, it is proposed to analyze the initial system of the bladder and helium in the Solar System, starting from the moment of the formation of the protoplanetary disk. Assuming that at the moment of formation of the nebula, these elements were evenly distributed, their distribution was determined to date. Analyzing the percentage in the solar system, it was assumed that the differentiation of the ionized protoplanetary matter of the proto-carrier’s magnetic field (magnetic separation of particles) caused the difference in the compositions of the outer planets. It is shown that according to the estimates given in the graphs, it receives 76-78% of hydrogen in the composition of the Earth, which in turn differs significantly from the data given in reference books or specialized literature – less than 17%. It has been suggested that the hydrogen content on Earth is incorrect