Study of moisture conditions of chernozem in the left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine
The article analyzes the dynamics of moisture content of the chernozem soil and the accumulation of productive moisture reserves in its thickness based on the data set from 1947 to 2022. Changes in the moisture regime within the periodically flushing water regime of the central part of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are analyzed. The central Forest-Steppe zone is characterized by a periodically flushing water regime, when an average of 165 mm of moisture accumulates in the meter thick chernozem, and therefore tends to the values of the moisture reserve under the non-flushing water regime, which exceeds its value by 25 mm, which is a stable trend of aridization of soil conditions in the spring. In the current climatic conditions of the central part of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe, a regime of black soil moisture has been formed in the long-term time interval, which, under the influence of agrotechnical influences, cannot be shifted beyond the parameters of the non-flushing or periodically flushing water regime in the agrocenosis. The process of self-regulation of the Forest-Steppe zone’s resistance to active aridization and the Steppe’s “advance” on the Forest-Steppe is manifested.