Virtual evaluation of the influence of independent factors on the force deformation when receiving long-length product from low-alloyed chrome bronze by the SPD method «Conform»
Using computer simulat ion in the environment of the DEFORM-3D appl icat ion package, a virtual ful l factorial experiment was conducted on the process of producing long length workpieces from low -al loyed chrome bronze by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) using the Conform scheme. During the virtual experiment, an assessment was made of the inf luence of independent factors (impel ler rotat ion speed, number of cycles, and temperature of deformat ion treatment) on the response parameter — deformat ion force. As a resul t of the experiment , a regression equat ion was obtained, a variant of solving the opt imizat ion problem wi th determining the numerical values of the accepted independent factors was presented, an d their inf luence on the response parameter was analyzed.