Principles of convergence and synergy of the system of intellectual support of sustainable development

    Innovations, Vol. 12 (2024), Issue 3, pg(s) 86-88

    The features of realization of the principles of convergence and synergy of components of the system of intellectual support of sustainable development of societies are considered. Characteristic features of post-industrialism, which does not act as an alternative to industrial-market civilization, are shown. The approach to increasing the level of intellectual potential in the functioning of society is proposed. This approach based on the development of cluster structures of the scientific-educational-production complex, which provide synergistic effects due to the integration of intellectual resources that contribute to the creation of new-generation innovations.


    Polymer blends based on regenerated thermoplastics with low flammability

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 17 (2023), Issue 6, pg(s) 232-235

    Composite materials based on regenerated thermoplastics of the polyolefin class with high parameters of stress-strain characteristics, which are highly resistant to open flame and combustion, have been developed. A synergistic effect was achieved by introducing a complex of modifiers into the matrix polymer, including regenerated particles of polytetrafluoroethylene, positioned as ultrafine particles (UPTFE), and residual products of the production of phosphate fertilizers – phosphogypsum (PG). The developed composite materials, processed by injection molding, make it possible to manufacture elements of metal-polymer rollers of belt conveyors used in the mining industry.


    Intellectual factor of the new economy: Formation features

    Industry 4.0, Vol. 8 (2023), Issue 5, pg(s) 178-181

    The new economy requires the creation of a methodology for training a new type of worker – a “knowledge worker”, whose activities will ensure the innovative development of business entities and social security of workers for a comfortable and safe life. An innovatively receptive specialist with pronounced creative thinking during the formation of a new economy and its subsequent sustainable functioning with a characteristic vector of social development has the intellectual potential for the development and practical use of highly effective innovations that ensure the achievement of strategic goals declared at the state level. To form such a specialist, it is necessary to transform methodological approaches to the intellectual support of educational processes, professional activities and advanced training based on the concept of “lifelong education” (“education through life”).
    The features of the functioning and development of the domestic education system in the context of the requirements of the state strategy for sustainable economic development are considered. The need to improve methodological approaches to the educational process with an increase in research and socio-humanitarian components is shown. Education in all forms of its manifestation like as a target process or self-learning is a systemic process in which professional skills and abilities are an important, but not a determining component of a harmonious member of society, which, through its activities, contributes to its progressive development. The fundamental goal of education is to form a harmonious personality, in which the talents laid down at the gene level are manifested and developed to the full extent in adequate accordance with moral criteria based on universal human values and national mentality.


    The intellectual factor of education in an innovative economy

    Innovations, Vol. 10 (2022), Issue 1, pg(s) 17-20

    The features of the functioning and development of the domestic education system in the context of the requirements of the state strategy for sustainable economic development are considered. The need to improve methodological approaches to the educational process with an increase in research and socio-humanitarian components is shown. Education in all forms of its manifestation in the form of a target process or self-learning is a systemic process in which professional skills and abilities are an important, but not a determining component of a harmonious member of society, which, through its activities, contributes to its progressive development. The fundamental goal of education is to form a harmonious personality, in which the talents laid down at the gene level are manifested and developed to the full extent in adequate accordance with moral criteria based on universal human values and national mentality.


    Methods for implementing the concept of energy and technological compliance of components in the technology of highly filled composites

    Machines. Technologies. Materials., Vol. 16 (2022), Issue 2, pg(s) 62-65

    Structural and technological aspects of obtaining and processing functional composite materials based on polytetrafluoroethylene are considered. It is shown that, due to the peculiarities of the molecular structure of matrix polymers, within the framework of the traditional technological paradigm, prerequisites are created for the implementation of a structural paradox, which manifests itself in a decrease in the parameters of the stress-strain and tribological characteristics of composites with an increase in the degree of filling. Within the framework of the concept of multilevel modification, methodological approaches to the implementation of the energy and technological compliance of components, which reduce the negative impact of the structural paradox, are considered.