Competence centres and intelligent security systems in Bulgaria

  • 1 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Science Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aaerodynamics Centre “Acad. A Balevski”, Sofia, Bulgaria


Joint Research Center, as a European Commission’s structure for science and knowledge, provides independent research to support the overall European Union policy. Innovative tool for dealing with expected and / or emerging challenges that need to be addressed at EU and Member States levels, and understood by the political environment is the building of competence centers. Centers focus their work on the development of analytical tools that can be applied to each policy area.
A concrete example of rational national approach for implementation of this policy is establishment of the Center of Competence “Quantum Communication, Intelligent Security Systems and Risk Management” (Quasar). Thereby it is anticipated that innovative collaborative approaches and practices will be developed between different organizations with responsibility in the field of higher education and science, aiming at the modeling and development of interoperable, at national and European level, intelligent security systems.



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