Application of restraint devices as a method of protecting the personal safety of the police officers
- 1 University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Security - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
The existence of special police authorizations justifies the legal goal of applying restraint devices. Considering its function, the application of restraint devices must be an exception, not a rule and that’s the reason why it should be applied only when there are no other methods of solving a conflict between the police and citizens. When applying restraint devices, special attention should be put on the safety of the police officers. Taking into consideration all potential and unseen threats that may arise, it is crucial to provide high quality preconditions for the legal proceedings. As a result of that, this paper analyses and elaborates in detail the tactical model during the direct application of the restraint devices – “handcuffs”. The application of this model includes performing several tactical and security activities that would minimize the security risks among the police but in the meantime will not put into danger the dignity of the person being handcuffed.
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