System for minimizing the negative impact of personnel on the airport’s aviation security procedures
- 1 FSUE State research Institute of civil aviation, Moscow, Russian Federation
- 2 Yaroslavl state University, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The problem of civil aviation safety is largely determined by the “human factor”. Transport security is a multidimensional concept that includes various security factors that are provided by aviation personnel in the relevant areas of professional activity. A particularly important factor should be considered the activities of personnel in the field of airport security. An acceptable level of airport aviation security can be achieved if the level of professional activity of the security personnel meets the established requirements. The system of requirements is implemented in a set of algorithms and procedures for personnel activities, the implementation of which is mandatory in
strict accordance with the requirements. However, the physical nature of the human component, under the strictest control, does not guarantee absolute compliance with the requirements, i.e. the professional activity of aviation personnel is not guaranteed against accidental or unintentional errors. These errors are a source of negative impact of personnel on the airport’s aviation security. In this case, it is necessary to have the means to minimize the negative impact. The paper considers some software and technical means of minimization
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