Warning and reporting of biological incidents during military operations

  • 1 “G. S. Rakovski” National Defence College, Sofia, Bulgaria


In the past years, NATO member countries have faced the threat of bioterrorism, which requires the development of capabilities to deal with this threat. Timely detection and accurate identification of the type of bioagent used is essential for early wa rning of threatened military units, as part of the process of prevention and reduction of human casualties, as well as for the spread of the disease. The possible use of biological agents as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is presented in the report. The military reconnaissance role in the process of investigation of disease outbreak is considered. For the implementation of the process for early warning and alert of biological threat, a scheme of a model of a platform for biological reconnaissance and monitoring is presented. In the model a configuration of hardware and software is used. Due to the increasing risk of use of biological weapons by terrorist organizations, the acquisition and integration of an advanced platform for monitoring and outbreak reconnaissance from the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria is of key importance.



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