The Influence of Distance Learning on Vocational Subject of the First year Students at the University of Defence – Results of the Comparative study

  • 1 University of Defence, Czech Republic


The University of Defence students are ground “stones” for safety studies in future. Their education process is the basic step for ensuring security for the Czech Republic in the next decades. The article deals with the very current topic – the success rate of distance education of first-year students of the University of Defence in Brno in vocational-oriented subjects in a long-term context. The article formulates the results of the study. The study is to focus on the first year of study that the students of both University faculties completed according to the currently valid study program.
By comparing the results achieved by students in all first years of study (the group consisted of more than 500 respondents), we have gained a relatively straightforward and objective answer to the question concerning the effectiveness of distance learning from a long-term perspective. The first semester of the university studies was realised in distance learning compared to the standard system d ominated by fulltime teaching joined with practices and seminars. The second semester was realized, as usual, students were returned to the s tandard study program.



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