Table of Contents


    • Flexible business models applied to products and systems in the field of security systems with different Technologiy Readiness Levels

      pg(s) 3-6

      The growing importance of business models (BM) is primarily due to significant changes in competitive conditions for business over the past two decades. The creation of BM in the development of security systems is a structured approach that is consistent with the characteristics of security objects.
      At the same time, in the international aspect, in the field of intelligent security systems, the practice of systematic application of different levels of the Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) scale is required, which allows security systems technology to develop from concept to research, development and implementation. Iterations between different levels of TRL are possible, especially during the development phase.
      Namely the study of the flexible application of BM in the development of security systems and their connection with the TRL i s the purpose of
      this paper.

    • A variant of the risk profile of a business model in the development of intelligent security systems

      pg(s) 7-10

      Business models (BMs) are business plans used by an organization to create, deliver, and acquire value. There is a strong need in different areas of business to develop a better understanding of BM’s risks. The appropriate risk framework would support the full range of risk management capabilities, namely identifying key risks, quantifying and, finally, managing those risks.
      Therefore, in developing the organization’s BM, it is necessary to create a better understanding of the risks associated with the development of security systems. The proposal for a variant of the BM risk profile framework for the establishment of security systems is the content of this publication.


    • Some Elements of Multi-Domain Operations Regarding Air Power

      pg(s) 11-13

      In the paper the Author examines some highlighted elements that related to Air Power, however these usually are not merely Air Power specific attributes. Also, they cannot be, because one of the utmost priority of Multi-Domain approach is to unify, almost melt the services or components together. The highlighted topics of the paper are an envisioned command and control system, the Air Force roles in MDO and targeting considerations.

    • System for counteracting large groups of low-flying targets

      pg(s) 14-17

      The material offers a description of a type of system for counteracting large groups of low-flying targets, established at the Institute of Metal Science, equipment, and technologies with Center for Hydro- and Aerodynamics “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences-BAS. Data on its structure, the main tactical and technical characteristics and functions of its main modules and some test results are presented.

    • Engineering solutions to ensure protection of nuclear power plants against sabotage.

      pg(s) 18-21

      The protection of nuclear installations against malicious acts can take a number of different forms. This report addresses only issues related to the sabotage of nuclear facilities – prevention or mitigation of sequences initiated by malicious acts that may have potential radiological consequences. Nuclear power plants have good physical protection systems (PPSs) and procedures, and they are designed to minimize the likelihood of an accident and in the event of an accident, not to release radioactive material in an uncontrolled manner. The objective of this report is to provide methods for evaluating and for proposing corrective actions aimed at reducing the risk related to any malicious act that, directed against a nuclear power plant, could endanger the health and safety of plant personnel, the public and the environment.

    • Ecology of equilibrium and stationary states of the unique Humanity-Biosphere system

      pg(s) 22-27

      The biosphere as a physical space in which there is life, including human life, is quantitatively characterized by population quantities. The population can be described by certain physical laws in thermodynamic approximation with the application of the notion of entropy. Entropy is a term not only purely physical but also universal. It is a criterion for the description of the evolution and development of the unique Biosphere-Human system. The development of human societies as a part component of the Biosphere is subject to the transformations that are the result of technical developments and the technical-scientific revolution in general. These anthropogenic activities lead to the negative effects upon the Biosphere with the accumulations of pollutants both in the atmosphere and in the system as a whole. The entropy of the Biosphere component as a result of the accumulation of pollutants changes over time. Human physical , ecological and social health is at risk, with the further development of pathological states and human health problems. The entropy of the human component is increasing and the entropy of the Biosphere is decreasing, respectively. The decrease in Biosphere entropy is dictated by the disappear of many species of plants and animals as a consequence of the ecological problem. It is necessary to mention that the steady state and the equilibrium state have different meanings. The steady state is described by a very complex stage under the action of multiple factors with a tendency to stabilize parameters that do not vary over time and the system components “adapt” to these stabilized numerical values such as ambient temperature, pressure and constant amounts of species of animals and plants. The equilibrium state is an idea lized case of the system which from a purely thermodynamic point of view is described by maximum entropy. This paper shows that the human entropy increases at the expense of the decreasing of biosphere entropy, a fact of the universal principle of the conservation of energy. The increase in human entropy results to the instability and risk with self-destructive tendencies unless the steady state is not assured. The mechanisms for the obtaining of the steady state are complex and can be based on some rules and principles at a global level with tendencies to use nontraditional energy sources and of the waste recycling with effects of reducing of the accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere.

    • An approach to information exchange management in multimodule multi-position security systems

      pg(s) 28-31

      The material presents a standard scheme of a multimodule multi-position security system and offers an approach for managing the information exchange in it, taking into account the specific location and condition of the individual modules and the functional relationships between them.


    • Digital signature implementation on ID-1 cards as a personalization security feature

      pg(s) 32-34

      The use of ID-1 cards is in an extremely large increase nowadays starting from identity cards, bank cards, driving licenses, membership cards, etc. In some of the uses, the security of the card and the data that the card holds are very important. Some of the security elements are defined in the production of the card and some during the personalization of the data on the card. Laser card engraving is a high-security feature that is applied during the process of personalizing the data on the card. In this article, we will present h ow to implement the digital signature in the data personalization using laser engraving and QR barcodes to minimize the costs of cards and to ensure the data on cards are not modified.

    • Forensics investigation comparison of privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies

      pg(s) 35-38

      Digital cryptocurrencies especially privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies over the past years have experienced significant growth in terms of usage. The increased usage of privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies due to the offered privacy and anonymity, allows a cybercriminal to commit illegal transactions that are harder to trace back than Bitcoin. In this paper, we provide a forensic overview of the privacyoriented cryptocurrencies Monero, Verge, Dash, and Zcash. We analyse forensics experiments with these cryptocurrencies and make some assumptions and conclusions related to the analysed experiments.

    • Development of secure software

      pg(s) 39-42

      The main goal of this paper is to present methods and tools for secure software development. The process of creating secure software involves analysis, design and implementation based on multi criteria decision making risk assessment. The results of this study give readers some proposals how to produce secure software systems and conduct cost-benefit analysis.


    • Extracting clasification features from seismic sources

      pg(s) 43-46

      Automatic classification of seismic sources finds vast application security domain. Due to restricted computational power in the edge devices a robust and less complex features need to be extracted and sent to appropriate classifier. Such features are histograms of oriented gradients. It represented the relative spectral distribution of derivative of amplitude against frequency instead of average spectral envelope.