Shortage of water resources and cyber – attack are two greatest challenges to contemporary global stability and security

  • 1 Military Scientific Research Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 2 International Military Cooperation Department Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 3 G. S. Rakovski National Defence College, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 4 Artshare, Estarreja, Portugal


In response to these global threats, it is essential that nations work together to develop coordinated approaches to ensure global security. This requires building trust, sharing information, and collaborating to develop effective solutions that address the root causes of these threats. One important step in ensuring global security is to focus on the prevention of crises before they occur. This can be achieved by investing in early warning systems, improving communication and cooperation between nations, and addressing the underlying causes of conflict and instability. Another key factor in ensuring global security is to promote sustainable development that prioritizes environmental protection, social justice, and economic progress. This can help to prevent resource scarcity and social inequality, which are often key drivers of conflict and insecurity. In addition, it is important to recognize the central role of technology in shaping global security. While technology can create new threats, it can also be harnessed to develop innovative solutions that promote global security. This includes investing in cybersecurity, developing new technologies to address environmental challenges, and promoting access to education and information to help people around the world build resilience and respond effectively to emerging threats. Global security is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a coordinated and collaborative approach from nations around the world. By working together to prevent crises, promote sustainable development, and harness the power of technology, we can build a more secure and resilient world for generations to come.



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