Green building training through web modules – exchange of good practices

  • 1 Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, Latvia
  • 2 European Center for Education, Science and Innovation, Gabrovo, Bulgaria


Achieving EU objectives for the efficient use of natural resources leads to the use of new materials, techniques, norms and standards in the construction sector that require the acquisition of new skills and competencies of employees in the sector. The main task in this study is in line with the EU Skills Program for Europe, 10.06.2016, and in particular the Green Skills Program. The lack of green skills in the professions in the construction sector is already present and, unfortunately, traditional educational institutions cannot meet this demand. The report considers the possibility of creating within the Erasmus+ project an educational product of 4 interactive multimedia modules to improve the green skills and skills of workers in the construction sector.



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