Use of drone based it system for road pothole detection and volume calculation

  • 1 Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies, Liepaja University, Latvia; Faculty of Science and Engineering, Liepaja University, Latvia


This paper will examine whether information technology solutions can contribute to the work of a road repairer. The aim of the research is to develop an algorithm for identification and volume calculation of the road pits.
The paper presents an overview of three existing methods to identify holes as objects. Recent study uses an ultrasonic sensor to determine the size of a 3D hole; special attention is paid to its noise classification and possibilities for its reduction. The authors have found a way to organize road surface scanning, convert the resulting data into binary code and calculate the volume of the object. Calculations can be made on both a mobile microcontroller-controlled device and a computer after receiving data. A worker, a self-propelled robot or a drone can be used as a sensor carrier.
Study results can be used for further development in the field of transport systems engineering, as well as for mechatronics specialists to develop algorithm realization equipment in a real environment.



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