Review of unconventional barrel designs of plasticizing systems used in single-screw extruders

  • 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Lublin University of Technology, Poland


Extrusion is one of the most important processes in polymer processing technology, just next to injection molding. The first extruder was invented and patented in 1879 by Matthew Gray, which used Archimedes screw in its design [1]. Since that time, constantly work on improving the work of extruders was carried out, which are implemented in two different ways, technological or constructional [2, 3, 4]. The constructional method involves both the modification of the screw design and the entire barrels of the plasticizing system. Evidence of the relevance of this issue may be the number of patents describing the classic and unconventional constructions of extruders [4]. The aim of the following work is to conduct a review of the contemporary construction solutions of the plasticizing systems barrels, whose applications were intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the extrusion process. One of the most interesting solutions is the kinematic activation of the barrel wall in the metering zone by introducing a rotary sleeve in a plasticizing system whose rotational speed and direction can be freely modified.



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