- 1 Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Republic of Croatia
Resource planning in manufacturing companies is crucial in the context of Industry 4.0. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems that enable vertical and horizontal integration between different operational and management levels are essential for monitoring process execution through real-time data access and for making decisions according to these data.
The implementation of the ERP system is one of the key indicators highlighted by the European Commission (more than 100 indicators) in the Digital Agenda for Europe (A Europe 2020 Initiative), which sets the goals for the growth of the European Union by 2020. It is important to make an analysis of the state of implementation of the ERP systems in the Republic of Croatia. We researched within the metalworking industry in Croatia. Purpose of the research conducted is to determine the state of implementation of ERP systems in metalworking companies and on the compliance of ERP systems with Industry 4.0 and to investigate the opinions of ERP system users on the extent to which the ERP system they use meets the requirements of Industry 4.0.
The main objective of our paper is twofold: to present the features of modern ERP systems in the Industry 4.0 framework and to present the results of our research.
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