Off-grid hybrid PV plants used to supply autonomuos internet base stations supporting the mitigation of GHG in Albania. Case study: Bulqiza district, Albania
- 1 Department of Hydraulic & Hydrotechnic, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
- 2 Department of Energy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
- 3 Department of Production and Management, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
This work is focused to an off-grid PV-Genset-battery application as one of the most feasible technology to power internet access points antennas enabling to reduce GHG-s. Solar energy is clean, infinite and environment friendly source of energy. Remote areas especially in northern part of Albania is facing difficulties to the connection to the national electricity grid. Primarily diesel generators (Genset) are used for electricity power supply leading to negative effects into the surrounding. However, hybrid energy systems, such as PVGenset-battery systems have a high potential to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel costs and total cost of the system compared to the other options applied historically in telecommunication sector in Albania. Such systems are foreseen to play a key role in a stable, costless and emissionless way especially in off-grid applications. The performance, availability, costs and carbon intensity of photovoltaic power all indicate that this technology can make a very substantial contribution to reduce carbon emissions and gain carbon credits.
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