Combined approach for development of cyber-physical systems based on IEC 61512 and IEC 61499 standards

  • 1 Dept. of Industrial Automation, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria


The transition to CPS is one of the great challenges of the “Industry 4.0”. The core of cyber-physical systems is an effective control, associated with achievement of a high degree of adaptability, autonomy, functionality, reliability, security and usability. The paper presents a combined approach for development of cyber-physical systems based on the IEC-61512 and IEC-61499 standards represented as partial model of asset administration shell, according the reference architectural model RAMI4.0. The models allow the description of continuous production of finite quantities of materials (batches) from two distinct views – physical and control (cyber). The approach is enhanced in respect to the correctness and reliability achieved, by replacing the semi-formal models with using of Signal Interpreted Petri Nets supporting the verification processes



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