Possibilities of using Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) in industrial communication.
- 1 Merchant Inc., Sala, Slovak Republic
Future of modern communication technologies of smart modern production systems is moving to wireless form of data transfer between devices. Thanks to use of smart devices that communicate within the network, we are talking about of interconnection of separate devices – Internet of Things (IoT). In connection with the implementation of standards Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing process together with IoT implementation into production process a new term is created – Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). However, the implementation of this form of wireless communication brings some problems, mainly in field of safety and stability of data transfers. This paper provides a brief overview of the current state of the use of IIOT in industrial communication and production management and describes relationships to concepts such as cyber-physical systems and Industry 4.0. Part of the article is a proposal of communication scheme suitable for the implementation on model of modular production system (MPS).
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