Industrial production in Croatia
- 1 Polytechnic in Pozega, Croatia
Croatian entrepreneurs recognize the importance of Industry 4.0. for the overall development of the economy. There is an awareness that product digitization can ensure employment growth and modernization of the economy leading to higher financial results. Some Croatian solutions in terms of digital products are already present. Nevertheless, Industry 4.0 in Croatia is still in its infancy, which is an opportunity for Croatian companies, but they are facing strong competition on a global level. There are no consistent data on the level reached by Croatia in terms of smart production, but there is data that Croatia is somewhere in the European Union average in terms of technological renewal of its companies, but in terms of the share of new products it is at the bottom of the European Union. What Croatia is like in terms of total industrial production, employment and productivity in industry, and what is the strategy for achieving greater competitiveness is the topic of this paper.
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