Social media behaviours of Gen Z women in the context of social Customer Relationship Management
- 1 Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Building relationships with Generation Z on social media is becoming a challenge for present-day enterprises. Generation Z has a huge purchasing power, and will be the largest customer base by 2030. The aim of the paper is to identify social media behaviours of Gen Z females in the context of social CRM. The study of social media behaviours of Generation Z is part of wider research conducted by the authors among students in Poland and Great Britain in 2020/2021. The study used survey as the method and CATI as the surveying technique. For data analysis, measures of descriptive statistics were used. In both the countries, women most often used Facebook, YouTub e and Instagram. Out of the benefits of using social media accounts, the following ones were rated highest by female Gen Zers in Poland: swift communication, opportunity to find and follow friends, sharing information with friends and opportunity to acquire information about products/services of a given company, whereas in the case of females in Great Britain, the following benefits were rated highest: swift communication, following the Internet trends and sharing information with friends. The majority of the surveyed women in Grea t Britain and in Poland often or almost always search for social media accounts of a specific company before using its service / purchasing its product. Polish women would preferably communicate with a company via Messenger, chat with a consultant and fan page, whereas British women would do so via e-mail, Messenger and chat with a consultant. The results of the research conducted in Poland and Great Britain in 2020/2021 did not show clearly whether female Gen Zers could be described as loyal customers. The respondents in Great Britain defended a company’s reputation on social media more often than the respondents in Poland.
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